The Golden shining King Ghydora comes in the Chivimar series with three necks and heads.
- The product adopts a snap-fit buildup which requires no adhesive.
- It is color-coded with molding color, paint is unnecessary and can be assembled easily.
- The gold-colored color is reproduced with a special molded color, making it a realistic finish.
- Including numerous movable points such as neck, wing, mouth, especially the mouth (lower jaw and tongue) can move horizontally with ball joint instead of hinge movement! This makes it possible to reproduce 3 heads with different facial expressions.
- Reproduce surface characteristics like surface scales with delicate sculptures.
- Eyeball is reproduced with seal and pursue reality.
- Two tails are designed to minimize the number of parts and make it easy to assemble, but won't compromise its complicated shape.
- Seal: Yes (real seal)